Saturdays visit to Furman University by President Bush created some furor amongst the professors and locals. There was plenty of supporters out wishing to view him and welcome him to our community. I myself wouldn’t cross the street to see him but managed to get trapped in the parking lot to a local Lowes store therefore I was hemmed in like a hog in a ditch and could not get out to go home. So I had a front row seat to the presidential motorcade. Supposedly it was a once in a life time event, getting to see the motorcade. It wasn’t for me because I can still remember my mother raising me up above her shoulders where I could see President Kennedy when he came through Florida while I was a child. I remember seeing him in an open convertible waving to the enthusiastic crowd of supporters. Nothing like viewing this motorcade. They went by like a bat out of hell with lights flashing and the gas pedals floored. I didn’t really want to see him as I feel he has ruined our country and our image abroad, but I was still disappointed with the speed and lack of even the slightest chance to see him in the car. Even if I had of been planning on seeing him it would have been as a protester but felt that it was not the proper time to take my feelings like that onto campus as the emphasis should have been on the Furman seniors who had earned their degrees. I did see at least one senior used her cap to give a message. On top of her cap was the single word “love” pasted on it. A universal message we all should adhere to.

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