Archive for October, 2012
Well, we are down to the final weeks until election Day November 6. I am still awaiting to hear Romney’s healthcare plan. From what I’ve read Romney’s medical plan would leave about 72 million Americans uninsured. So far, we read that the Romney plan would cost families, nearly double what Obama care would cost them. I am very concerned about health care. I am lucky that I am a veteran and through them I received free healthcare. However, my wife and children have no insurance, because we cannot afford it. I still feel that no one in this country should have to do with out basic health care, because they cannot afford it. Approximately 62% of all the bankruptcy filed each year are due to medical costs and approximately 72% of them did have healthcare. As far as I’m concerned, this is not acceptable.
Now, I do agree that the budget needs work on it and we cannot go on spending money like it’s water. Look at the mess we are in now and compare it to what it was like. When Obama was sworn in to office. Bush dug us into deep water and it’s going to take a while to get out of this hole we are in. I hear all these people say that we cannot survive four more years of Pres. Obama in office. Personally I doubt that statement even more so after looking at eight years we had with President Bush in office. In those eight years, we went from a budget surplus to the huge deficit we are in now. We need to quit pandering to insurance companies and other special interests and take care of the citizens in the United States. As far as I’m concerned, taking care of the citizens is the number one job we need by the president and our lawmakers.