An anniversary has came up for me today. The four month anniversary of my quitting smoking. It has been tough and I still get the urge from time to time to smoke but have not given in to the urge to smoke. I have put on over 40 pounds since I quit smoking and that along with my recent diagnosis of me having diabetes had me ready to start smoking again. After consulting with my friend Shirley of the Sweet Resistance blog – who is also diabetic – we figured out that my weight gain coincided with my going on Lyrica for my fibromyalgia. One of the side effects of using Lyrica is rapid weight gain for some patients. So it appears I may have been ready to jump the gun talking about going back to smoking after gaining weight so fast. I am working hard to lose the weight and eat the right diet for my diabetes. I am not going to start smoking again if I can help myself. Though sweet smelling tobacco like a cigar or pipe will tempt me. I am fighting my desires and hope that you are as well. Smoking is a very hard monkey to get off of your back and I will be glad to talk to anyone who needs help in their quitting smoking.

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