Today on Earth Day I thought I might share a little of what is going on right here in my own backyard nearly. In the next county over from me, Spartanburg SC, county officials with the Wellford Landfill have made a partnership with the Milliken company to provide methane gas from the landfill to the Dewey Chemical Plant in Inman. Methane gas is a naturally generated by product of the landfills decomposition. Milliken is the worlds largest privately held textile and chemical company and one of the few that has not abandoned the United States in favor of greener pastures in China or somewhere else. Millikens environmental initiatives go back as far as the early 1900′s when they were looking for alternative uses for some of their manufacturing wastes. This is the second major methane gas project in Spartanburg county. The BMW plant in Greer already uses methane from the Palmetto Landfill that is operated by Waste Management. It all starts with one step either by us as individuals recycling or big corporations doing the right thing and is a step forward for our planet.